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Re-stocking tank after almost loosing all of my SPS!


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Well, I have been re-stocking my tank after loosing quite a few SPS mini-colonies to a copper plug that fell into my sump. I also lost polyp extension and color in almost every coral. It was in there for about 3 months before I found it...in which time my tank took a slow decline.


Here was my tank prior to the copper plug:



Top down to show coral placement:



Lost SPS:



New re-stocking frags:



New FTS:



And check out these Zoas I got from Eric (CA2OR)!!! I think its the brightest oragne I have ever seen in a reef tank!



Im still working on color, which is getting better every day. The only coral Im still unsure if its going to make it is the large sunset milli in the center...At one time it was SPECTACULAR! I was prepared to loose it up to a couple days ago, but it is showing signs of rebound, so I'll be crossing my fingers.


Thanks to all I got frags from:





Grow Out Comp frags

Davy Jones





All of the frags are doing GREAT! I look forward to watching them grow out!

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man that bites' date=' but looks like its making a good comeback[/quote']


Loosing corals does bite, especially when all of your parameters are perfect and you cant figure out why they are dying. I was almost ready to give up. Finding that copper plug in my tank was a great day! I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders! It didn't take long either for the existing corals to start looking better. I would say my colors are about 75% back (up from 25%).




Thanks for the Garf Bonsai! I can't wait to get it in my tank!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Loosing corals does bite, especially when all of your parameters are perfect and you cant figure out why they are dying. I was almost ready to give up. Finding that copper plug in my tank was a great day! I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders! It didn't take long either for the existing corals to start looking better. I would say my colors are about 75% back (up from 25%).




Thanks for the Garf Bonsai! I can't wait to get it in my tank!!!


I could not figure out what you ment by copper plug untill you posted a pic. I had no idea such a thing could cause such damage. Looks like your tank is rebounding well.

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i really like those zoas' date=' i wonder if he has any left?[/quote']


You might ask him...I was at his place yesterday dropping off the frag disks and noticed he still has a nice little colony of it. Im sure he would frag a piece if you asked him...


On a side note, I think most of my Sunset Milli is going to make it!!! Its got a lot of its color back (up to about 50% of what it was). The polyps are also extending further and further every day! Im really excited that It going to make it. I hope it makes it back to its previous glory! It was an amazing coral!


Heres what it used to look like!


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PROGRESS!!! Check out my Sunset Milli...Up until recently I pretty much accepted the fact that I was going to loose all or most of it. If it weren't for Garretts advise, I probably would have fragged it up to tray and save a bit of it. It is getting better every day! The polyps are really starting to come back, and the color is coming back as well. It really has a LONG way to go to make it back to is previous glory, but Im 100% sure its going to make it now!!!




Here's some pics of the other favorites in my tank!





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Really it is just a waiting game. SPS can take some time to turn around. I would make sure that you have all of your chemistry in check, you have good flow and lighting, and you have them a place that they will be able to thrive. Other than that it is just time :)


Ryans tank was working its way back to normal conditions after a small accident involving some metal introduction. Now it should be just a matter of time before the corals return to their previous glory. In this case they seemed pretty saveable but you never know with corals until all is well(and even then, weird stuff can always happen).

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  • 2 weeks later...

The sunset milli continues to recover! The polips are probably half as long as what they used to be, and the orange is still coloring up, but I am very pleased with its progress!!!


From this (10/08/2009)


(the red circle shows the only visible sign of polyps still remaining)


To this (11/22/2009)



In 45 days!

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