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The 75gal tank - an upgrade tale


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Yah its similar to the scwd, but has 4 outputs and can run up to 2500gph. It doesn't restrict the flow like a scwd either. I have version 3, where the #1 and #3 output run together, then it switches to #2 and #4. Alternates like that continuously. Really sweet.

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As I lay in the lush grass completing my plumbing shopping list, I began to think of ways to keep the light in the tank. "The back would surely need to be black" I said. But how......Paint! But then i would have to trek the tank back outside, tape newspaper all over it, and wait for it to dry. Contact paper? That would work, does it come in black? Limo Tint!!! Yes that was it. Off in search of Tint I went. I came upon this magical place, Walmart reads the sign.


Perfect! This will work.



I enlisted the (very attractive) help of a person I call wife






Finished. Just the look I was searching for.



Now back to that plumbing.......

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I began the day with one task at hand. I would conquer the plumbing with great vengence and furious anger! I would not give way to pipe or fitting! So off to Jerry's I went, list in hand. In my pocket was the 2" bulkhead and precious return receipt. After getting my gold back I stocked up on supplies.




A few short....beers later some supply lines were born



Unions to street els were forged



Things are set now. Tonight will be the calm before the storm. Friday will bring upon us the first test, the FW test for all the glory. Friday will be the day!!!!

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The day of the test approached, and went. Actually it was postponed until today. So i began by filling the tank with water. It was so nerve-racking




As the water crept to the top I kept my eye out for any leaks.












Not a drop! Glorious!!!! (yahoo) (dancing)



And the water flow cascades into the sump as the day turns to night.....



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Hurry up already... lol....

Seriously looks great, I got the dual mj's in my tank, set the timer to switch 15 minute intervals, so far so sweet. The water flow literally changes opposite direction all over tank, AWESOME. Thanks Miles for all the help. I still owe ya.

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Lunch is on me at the beer stein whenever you want.... great place to ... eat.


OK not stealing post. I was going to order the maxi mods. Should I, or is it easy to do??? we have a hobby shop here in Salem. Just don't want to mess it up

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No issues restarting after you make sure you dont use to aggressive of a prop, and make sure the rod is centered and stabile.


one of mine wasnt quite stabile I tweaked it today and they have cycled since last night with no issues.


The mod was easy, Miles did all the hard work, don't get me wrong. You can see a easy step by step video at reefvideos.com the procees is your time to go to hobby store and get the parts, then assembly of prop literaly takes minutes, and make a shroud (probably the hardest part, and it was really simple. standard PVC tubing.

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I would use a smaller pump that the 1200 with a smaller prop, I think Impur built a smaller version too, he will chime in. The regular pumps will work too (rio or any other powerhead) but the real benefit is the size, its nice and small and packs alot of flow.


Still running stong this morning with no issues.

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Yah i had a small prop lying around and decided to give that a shot. It was some good flow, much better than the MJ900. I would put that one in my 29 gal. Not the 1200s we modded though, they put out a ton of flow!


Looks good Nyles. I like how you mounted them, any issue with noise?



I would not buy the stuff from mjmods.com. Its just too easy to do. Cost a total of maybe 5 bucks to mod one of these. Took me 5 min to cut the slots in the 1.5" PVC coupler on my mitersaw. After that the longest part of making them is letting the glue dry.

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Ya at first there was some noise on one of them, I think it was a magnet off center. I fiddled with it and they both seem fine. They are a little noisey at first but with some break in time they either got quieter or I just got used to them, But I had to open the canopy this morning (I thought they where not running) but they are running nice and smooth, the fish like it, they are swimming in the stream alot.


Hows the ro/di fill up going?

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Tonights installment brought to you by




I worked tirelessly at my job all week, waiting for just one day. The day my pump would arrive!! Today was it. I was so excited. It arrived at 11:30 this morning, the UPS man was so kind. I tore off the tape and revealed my new (to me) Panworld 100PX-X external pump!!! How glorious it looked perched upon the newly made shelf




And the OM Super Squirt fits like a crown on a king!!!




Now the plumbing was to be installed. Spa flex they call it, but flexible it is not! I tried many things and finally resorted to several large pots full of boiling water in the bath tub. It worked though! I was able to snake things into place.









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But alas, the intake for the pump became a problem. A leak sprung up, right were the street el screws into the bulkhead. I tightened as far as i felt comfortable, now i must drain the tank, remove the street el, retape it and screw it back together. That won't be until tomorrow night, maybe not till sunday.

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So after solving the leak it was finally time for a real test. I unplugged the bulkheads, opened the ball valves and gave the Panworld pump some juice.








Closed loop plumbing finally complete




Now things were coming together! Time for sand. About 1-1.5" sandbed. Not sure if i need more sand or not.



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