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Maybe someone here can explain this to me....


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But what the hell is up w/ all the [language filter] school shootings recently.... aren't we up to like 4 in the past 2 weeks, NOT counting the one in Canada? Are we really all SO pissed off that th only solution is to walk into a school yard and start blowing children away?(they're not THAT bad).

What makes it worse, at least for me, is the apparent lack of any ability to stop this from happening... We can't have metal detectors posted at EVERY door to the school, that would be unrealistic, not to mention guards to man the detectors. Locking the doors would be a big no-no.. even w/ the emergency bars that would open when pushed outwards.......

Yet they virtually strip-search you before you get on a plane, and now you can't take anything liquid onboard a flight., not to mention nail clippers or anything that could be REMOTELY dangerous if used in a creative way.


I'm at the point where I wouldn't consider myself that unreasonable if I pulled both my kids out of school and home schooled them( And I'd learn 'um good, boy....)


(deep breath)....ok, I think I'm finished, thanks for listening to me rant.



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And of course, let's take all guns from good citizens, let's do nothing in hope the system will. Let's all live in fear. Let's, when lucky enough to, hold the killer, purse snatcher, rapist, sexual predator, without beating, dee balling, till the law get's there, and let's them out in a day. BULL S#!T.


Can we stop it all. NO. but we can be more awhere. Take a stand. Do I think we should be like Charly Bronson. Well, you have to deside that. My family has discussed options, as to what we, I'd do, if f#*%$d with, to protect the family. That's enought on that. That is family buissness. DO YOU HAVE A PLAN. ?Do you have a way to communicate, if no power or cell phone,? Do you have a place to meet? Do you know what you would do, if confronted? Do I. Working hard on it. Yes, My family have radio's I got them all for a X-mas present, with batteries, 2 way communication. It's a start

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The incidence of violent crime has been dropping for decades, and is currently at the lowest point in the past ~25 years. School violence rates are tracking this overall decline as well, and are currently at the lowest point in roughly the past 15 years -- so you and your kids are actually safer today you have been for about the last twenty years.


We live in a world with about 6 billion people on it, so you can figure that any given one-in-a-billion event will happen six times a year. You can also figure that each of those one-in-a-billion events will receive complete television coverage, deep analysis and CAN IT HAPPEN TO YOU? hysteria. Why? 'cause afraid people keep watching/listening/reading and buying.

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When I went to school in my middle school days we where greeted at the gates by security officers and metal detectors, when school was in you where locked in. It was the most scrazy place I ever went to, it was in the heart of some of the worst streets I have ever seen. For lunch we where treated to kids raping whatever crazy stuff they would come up with... Never forget that place the rest of my life. I seen a lot of violence and learned alot.


Its hard to say what triggers these responses from teens, I do think that since someone has done it its a "Way out" for others, an option per say. But I can't understand how someone sinks to this option, honestly I dont think you could unless it was you contemplating the action.


I do however thing, sports, and other afterschool activities helps prevent these things, friends play a role, and friends informing others of someones mental condition is another. Alot of these kids don't have role models and their parents are dead beats or just dont have time to listen and find out how these kids days are going. What I guess I'm trying to say is if they had something or someone to care about they wouldn't do these things or would be WAY less likely.


But you see this progression with lots of things, look at whats on TV these days? How about the language thats tolerated on tv and radio? The graphic nature of shows and the open internet to teens? These all take a toll. Kids are learning things (bad and good) at a much faster rate these days, and you cant even threaten your own child with a good [language filter] whipping for feer of going to jail or loosing your kids. I have three of my own and 2 foster, I cant even threaten to put hot sauce in the foster kids mouth for say terrible things. Its an amazing world we are progressing to, sometimes its nice to look back at how things where 50 years ago, just to observe human nature and how reckless / careless we are at heart.

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5 in 1997

5 in 1998

6 in 1999

5 in 2000

7 in 2001

4 in 2002

3 in 2003

1 in 2004

2 in 2005

5 in 2006


(source: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0777958.html)


There are about 55 million kids in primary and secondary school in the US. I count 72 related school rampage deaths over the course of the 10 years listed above. That's a rate of 0.0000013%


To put that in perspective, each day roughly 86 American lives are lost in traffic accidents (source: http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pdf/nrd-30/NCSA/RNotes/2005/809897.pdf)


That makes it about 4500 times more likely that someone will die as a result of a traffic accident than from a school shooting.


I don't mean to be callous, or to minimize the pain that those who have lost children to these horrible, horrible situations. I just want to point out that we lose a lot more of our children to more common events (things that are much easier to reduce, as well) and we don't do much of anything about those.

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Its all about the media trying to freak you out. Dont believe the hype and do some research.


You can worry all you want. Its kind of like the chances of being killed in a terroist attack. You would have

better chances of winning the lottery. I dont know about everyone else and I dont have kids, but I certainly dont worry too much about kids bringing guns to my school or going up in flame via a terrorist.

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I attended a school here in oregon where a school shooting took place. (of course you all remember good ol' kip kinkel) Up until that point in my life i figured school was one of the safest place on earth. When you are a little kid and you are getting bullied near school you could always run there for protection from a teacher or some other authority figure. After that day i never looked at a school the same way. I saw teachers and administrators as ordinary human beings just as vulnerable to violence as us kids. I lost a good friend that day and will never forget seeing the panic and fear on the faces of not only the students but also the teachers.

I am as much for protecting our kids as anyone. And since it seems like the majority of the perpetrators of these crimes dont intend to make it out alive, that stiffer penalties is not really an option. The only option is tighter security of the schools themselves. I hate to see a future with metal detectors and armed guards but as a future teacher I see this as the only viable alternative.

I would never wish anyone to go through the kind of panic and terror that a school invasion causes. But andy and the others are right.....the statistics dont lie and the media in this country is a whoremongering monster out for nothing less than sensationalizing stories to gain ratings and market share so they can line the pockets of thier execs. thanks for reading my rant....just my .02

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It's to bad our world has degenerated to a level where our children are not safe in their classrooms.

Who's fault is it? What do we do to rectify the problem?


The kids *are* safe in their classrooms, and the solutions to the 'problem' are worse than the problem itself.

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You started a lot of different opinion's . No flaming, just a lop of opinion's There is no "right" Answer, or wrong. I have this great dislike for the media. But that can take a new thread of it's own. We all live as we want. And if it's not the way we want. We have the "Freedom" to change. Hmmmmmm. Now lets see how many times the news can tease me with the Weather. Stay tuned.

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When I went to school we made gun racks and hunting knifes in shop class. It's to bad our world has degenerated to a level where our children are not safe in their classrooms.

Who's fault is it? What do we do to rectify the problem?


We made crossbows!!!! Yes real working crossbows.

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whats wrong with our schools and kids is whats wrong with our society in general. We spend so much time chasing the almighty dollar trying to get ahead and with all of the media reports of social security going to be bankrupt, and gotta prepare for retirement, etc. etc., that we forget to raise our own children. We leave it to television and music and other kids to raise our kids. Money and greed in general has gotten a solid grasp on society and detered our attention away from what is really important. Too many parents out there are more wrapped up in having the nicest material things for thier children such as ipods and other gadgets that we forget that what kids really need is some parenting and guidance. I have never and will never single out anyone's parenting abilities or shortcomings but as a whole our country sucks at it. there werent school shootings and youth violence at todays levels 50 years ago because parents were more involved with thier kids' everyday lives and knew what kind of movies or video games thier kids watched and who thier kids' friends were. it all starts at home.......unguided children just transfer that violence and anger into the outside world. Its really sad.

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I gave a demonstration on skeet shooting in my high school. Back in the "old" days, if we had a problem with some one at school, we met after school on the playground and fought it out. No one died, no one was stabbed or shot and the only thing that got hurt was pride. Now with all these violent shows (of which I watch a considerable amount), video games, blown up news reprting, it's no wonder that the vilence has escalated from fist fights to shootings and stabbings. We need to be more attentive to our children's activities even though we are tired from working two jobs to support our families. it is out responsibility to raise our kids better. we are failing miserably. What's the solution? No one has the answer.

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Uh, people. Sorry but it is not ALL about the media. Bullying is bad in schools today. Bullying is a big problem and kids are affected by it. That is why teachers like me have to rush out in the hallway between periods to keep kids from shoving each other into lockers. That is why our counselor has created an anti-bullying program. That is why police are called to show up at middle schools several times a year when parents file charges against other students. Fear is blown out of porportion by the media but it is real for parents who have their kids in schools today.


Lets face it. Kids are pretty angry today. Broken homes. Broken hearts. Resentment. And lack of home security does drive kids to act out on other kids.


The best research is to go to a school and watch these kids interact for a day. It is a little different than say....... 1975 in the Willamette Valley.

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