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Grassi's 65g


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  • 2 weeks later...
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FTS updated on the first page. Some new corals. Everything is growing well. The most visible are the orange monti cap and the 2 bird nests, but all the rest is growing like crazy too.

I almost lost a nice pink milli which is recovering in the frag tank right now. No idea about what happened. The logs on the controller and water test are good and consistent :((


Blurry picture of the "stickland" from the right side:


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  • 3 weeks later...

The supersump!

Finally I started upgrading my little sump. It is a pain to do the maintenance in the little one and I don't have enough space for all the water.

So I'm in the process of plumbing a 100g rubbermaid used as a sump/refugium. While I do that I will also connect the 40b which will be the sps frag tank.

I also had to upgrade my water station because the old one was able to provide ony 18 gallons of saltwater. The new one is able to hold about 50g and the water can be pumped directly in the sump, making the water change with buckets something to forget :))

I'm gonna build a table on top of the sump, that will serve as a frag station. There will be the 40b on the left and the new skimmer (external octopus 3000 on the right). A compound microscope will be on the table too :)


I just finished part of the "dry" plumbing. Any suggestion?




















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LOL you weren't kidding about $200 in plumbing parts. what is that a christmas tree of plumbing parts? You could hang decorations on that. looks like you could easily add 3 or 4 more tanks in there also. can't wait to come check it all out.

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They are labeled :) There is a "open" and "close" sign on each valve. I got them from flexpvc.

Actually it really looks like a christmas tree lol

I tried to design the plumbing as clean and functional as possible, avoiding some mistakes I did in the past. And I can easily add more tanks in the future. I like it so far.

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Forgot to say... at now I'm only gonna use 4 of the 6 1'' exits (65g tank, ricordeum, 40b and water change) and 1 of the 1/2 exits (carbon/gfo reactor). Another 1/2 will be used for the skimmer. All the rest are available for future upgrades

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They are labeled :) There is a "open" and "close" sign on each valve. I got them from flexpvc.

Actually it really looks like a christmas tree lol

I tried to design the plumbing as clean and functional as possible, avoiding some mistakes I did in the past. And I can easily add more tanks in the future. I like it so far.


I was thinking label to what they control.

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I'm still working on it, but I'm almost done. Tomorrow night I will test the sump and the 40 gallons. I will let them run a couple of days while I prepare the plumbing to connect the 65g and the frag tank, and then connect them.

Some pics:


Cuts ready to be assembled:



Al together:



First "dry" test:



I added a white countertop for the fragging area.



The fish room. Stand is finished with some diagonal elements:



All glued:



The plumbing of the 40g. All it is easy with a giant sump:


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Thanks Kim. It is a little bit "invasive" and taking most of the room. But this sump it is gonna be perfect when I'm gonna upgrade the display. A friend of mine should help me skinning the tank stand. The external skimmer should go on top of the stand.

I'm looking for a compound scope to complete the set-up :)

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